- I found a 'task list' (I have 7-8 at any given time, usually anything from a3 to a4, envelopes and forms and such that I reuse to write things to do later) which I sort of completed so I archived it. It had the number [[131]] on it, without further context, although it was close to a task related to Wikipedia in the Agora that I have advanced. - It is prime in case you're wondering :) [[prime/131]]. - Which reminds me about the notion of having prime/ be autopulled when n is a number. Hmm. - [[Algún día]] - Noding from [[paramita]] and from [[nostromo]] while I work on the Agora tonight. - I'm already showered and can go until the time I go to bed, probably early as I woke up at 6am due to double pages :) - I'll enjoy the ride for however long it lasts! - I thought of [[2024-11-19]]. - I thought of the future.