- I resigned from the [[Social.coop]] [[Community Working Group]] the day after starting the [[vote to suspend meta]] after much discussion and a quick draft done with/for the community. It felt like it was the right time to disengage after I received criticism yet again for 'moving too fast' despite looping in people earlier and doing what I thought was a fully reasonable pro-social action to advance discussion (start a proposal on Loomio). This after concerns were escalated by multiple community members, including to the CWG, about Social.coop feeling like less of a safe space due to our lack of visible response. - One of the criticisms I got amounted (paraphrasing for effect) to needing to have more pre-meetings and go slower. I am fine not having pre-meetings or anything of the sort and doing more and talking less in 2025 as far as I can (within reason), so it seemed like a good moment to finish my CWG engagement (after several years) and focus on the Tech Working Group and the Organizing Circle instead. The CWG is now well-staffed so I am not needed there anymore, which I am thankful for to the people who remain! - In general the negativity I had gotten used to getting from some members was a bit of an energy drain, and I realized I could use my time more constructively for the community in the other engagements I plan to keep. - [[Bull]] is looking great! I'm now serving it (for myself only for the time being) at https://edit.anagora.org.