- [[doing]]: - Copy/pasted from somewhere: - [[Demo mode]]: - This will *slowly* but ~surely happen :) - [ ] Add a toggle - [ ] Add code that plays a midi - [ ] -> [[Lady Burup]] - [ ] Add code that plays an mp3 - [ ] -> [[Heinali]] - Add auto-scrolling, auto opening of zippies - [[Add users]] - [[worked]] and I liked it - [[donated]] - [[musikino]] is back! - [[prana]] now documented lightly in the Agora :) - as usual you can use e.g. anagora.org/go/prana/6 to do the yoga session for 'day 6', whatever that means to you. I usually do one of go/flow, go/move, etc. on rotation :) - [[Vajradhara]] and [[Vajrasattva]]