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Lots of interesting people post interesting things on [[LinkedIn]]. If I want to read them, I have to use that platform. Accursed network effects.
!!! warning "Hack Club Slack links ahead" To access them, you must be in the Slack (high schoolers 18 and below if you are not yet there)
Here’s what I been cooking behind the scenes for today, as well as the holidays dump during the break (2024-12-21 to 2025-01-05) and this school week (2025-01-06 to 2025-01-10), as well as the weekends (2025-01-11 and 2025-01-12).
I know it’s a long break from both doing the daily notes and the long-form blog content, mainly because of school and being hit by the burnout bus.
Now let’s talk about what in the living hellscape happened I did during the holidays break, which involves High Seas Sticky Holidays:
TODO to self: go write this after [[High Seas]]
Blurters gonna blurt.
Read: [[Wasteland]].
The bookmarks from yesterday look pretty messy.
[[Read]] (well, skimmed): [[Beyond Waste: Essential Skills for a Greener Tomorrow]]
Read: [[Wasteland]]
[[Bookmark]]: Climate Vanguard
[[Bookmark]]: How I Use Org-Roam to Take Notes for CS - Michael
[[Bookmark]]: The Eco-Socialist Party — Climate Vanguard
Today I was writing a newsletter. In my ongoing push to do everything in [[Emacs]], I set up org-preview-html to get a nice HTML preview pane as I was writing it in [[org-mode]]. I then copied and pasted from that into Drip’s wysiwyg editor. Worked pretty well.
[[Bookmark]]: Levelling up through circular economy jobs » Green Alliance
[[Bookmark]]: Beyond Waste: Essential Skills for a Greener Tomorrow report
[[Bookmark]]: Capitalism kills: The case for ecosocialism | Green Left
As one might have noticed, I’m logging bookmarks in the journal stream.
Read Where to draw the line? - by Gordon Brander
Note that [[Substack]] has it’s short form posts now.
I love using [[spacemacs]] and [[Emacs]].
Writing prose in [[Emacs]] with [[Termux]] is a little weird.
Going all in on [[libre software]] and [[open hardware]] is a key part of [[digital ecosocialism]].
Provisioning the [[knowledge commons]] with info on what software is good, how to use it, how to switch to it, etc, also very important.
[[Waste]] and what you do with it is an important part of any [[system]].
Watched [[Why Spaced Repetition Doesn’t (Always) Work]]
Learned of [[Weird]] and [[Leaf]] from Zicklag on Agora Discuss.
[[Watched]] [[Why Ethical Consumerism Is a Trap]]
All of the above methods of [[waste disposal]] are problematic one way or another. Reduction of production and consumption rates really is the only solution. (i.e. degrowth).
I hope to find the time to start participating in the [[IndieWeb Carnival]].
Downloaded [[Wasteland]] from [[]].
Found them!
The opening to [[Wasteland]], where he outlines the scale of waste we produce worldwide, puts me in mind of the bit in [[Doughnut Economics]] where she discusses broadening our conception of the economy to be embedded within the biosphere.
[[causal loop diagram]]s.
Looking at Lend Engine and MyTurn as software options for our [[library of things]].
[[wp cli]] is handy.
In a [[causal loop diagram]], where do you put actions, things that happen? I guess it’s a flow. But, what causes the flow?
On Tuesday I went to a workshop on learning the basics of electrical repairs.
[[Doughnut Economics]] has a good overview of what a [[system]] is and why [[systems thinking]] of useful.
Microblurting with a mindmap.
Listening to [[Doughnut Economics]] now.
[[Data commons]] are [[digital ecosocialism]].
Finished [[A Short History of Nearly Everything]] (audiobook)
Everybody blurts, sometimes
More one handed mode configuration for Termux:
What is the relationship between ecology and earth systems science?
I would like to learn more about [[systems ecology]].
[[microblurting]] at [[my blurts]]
I solved my [[issue with evil-escape in Doom on Termux]].
I’m [[microblurting]].
I’m thinking that blurting is probably better semi private.
[[HeliBoard]] is going well.
[[Human physiology]] - the processes and functions of living organisms. Rather than, say, the structure of the body or evolutionary history.
[[Passive repetition]] can result in an [[illusion of knowing]].
Actually, you could also do passive repetition in a digital garden.
One of the key uses of a stream and garden for me is active recall and repetition. So worth thinking about it a bit more.
Trying [[HeliBoard]].
[[Learning blurt]]
Traditional social media / microblogging can also be great for active recall.
[[Learning blurt]]
I listened to a good ACFM episode on the gut microbiome recently: [[ACFM Trip 41: Trust Your Gut]]
I think I’ll explore "[[microblurting]]" as a thing.
So today I want to work/play on:
I also met a new friend, [[Elena]], picked up the keyboard package and mailed out some forms, and thought about some personal matters/emotionally processed.
-> [[do]]
Hi there! this is one of the first few livestreams I’ve done. I keep iterrating on the format. As it is now, I am recording my typing but I don’t know to which extent you can hear the music or anything I say. I need to check up the setup later, so excuse any disruption please :)
I will now [[flow]] with my friends [[bobby lyte]] and [[adriene]] :D
For more of this, check out .
I guess at some point once you’ve written enough you can drop the bullet points and go back to full prose, whatever difference this makes. To some extent paragraphs are a two level list hierarchy, in the sense that every sentence that follows a previous instead of beginning a new paragraph can be though to be a children to one that preceded it.
So, anyway, writing makes me feel good; it feels cathartic you could say, and also just necessary at times. Noticing that something feels good also helps oneself do that thing again, remove resistances to doing it.
Why is it that I want to write so much? It is because [[writing is an aid to memory]], and [[writing is a tool for thinking]], and for communicating of course.
What do I want to remember so much, you might ask yourself. Well, to answer that thoroughly and clearly is that I like to build [[Agoras]].
I’ve logged in to [[Fediverse]] again the last couple of days. To make a new connection and do some Restart related posting. But: already found myself scrolling aimlessly through things which though very interesting are of minimal relevance to my actual life. Might just be a phase, but, sadly I can’t spare that idle time right now.
I’ve been cultivating a setup for logging the [[repair data]] from [[Ulverston Repair Cafe]] that, once I’ve taken a copy of the paper forms on my phone, I can then log it all digitally and get it into, all from my phone.
Let’s dust this off…
[[International Repair Day]] 2024 today.
For [[Restart]] for Repair Day I worked on the global map of events, the Open Repair Alliance report, and the Open Repair Alliance dataset. Proud of all of those.
Today and yesterday I thought also of writing, in general — how much I do it and how much I don’t, how many of my thoughts seep into the ether as weak electromagnetic radiation and are only occasionally recorded. (That’s alright; with every thought "lost" we radiate some heat, we feel something, we experiment our beings and let the universe shape our consciousnesses).
For the purpose of focusing more often on writing I’ve started to think of [[Sariputta]] as my writing computer, keeping also [[Sila]] and [[Paramita]] as general purpose/development computers, and [[Nostromo]] as media centre/MIDI terminal.
and sometimes in journal/
, depending on how I created the entry.[[
and ]]
and… I have to say it might indeed be more readable than with :)/Library/Journal/New%20Page/Daily%20Note
(template) in your instance.Here we go. Once more onto the breach; maybe it is today we start writing a book I started writing years ago, and will take me or us many more years to write.
These its chapters.
I’ve started recording my screen more often, as a way of screencasting — even though very often I don’t get to actually publish it. I have a [[Youtube channel]] but I mostly upload Yoga sessions there, at least so far. Still, just recording sometimes makes me feel reassured — because theoretically that means I may get to actually publish it in the future, or because others will find these files and look for anything [[interesting]] in them, or because even if they are lost they will influence my behavior in some ways.
I sometimes feel that I think and write more coherently when I remember to think about you, dear [[reader]], dear [[viewer]], please [[like]] and [[share]] if willing :)
I wrote the above, which I’m calling [[2024-07-02]], and then I’m moving on to do whatever’s next in the list, or whatever arises.
I was thinking recently of
Here’s a [[joke]]:
An alien and a human go into a bar.
The alien asks: how many drinks are you having?
The human says: just one.
With a flash of insight, many aliens realize at once that humans don’t know the complex plane.
…of Agora development, and of the fact that I still need to fix [[]], and…
Here again on [[2024-07-19]], is this cheating time? :)
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today,
"That’s where the jets lag, feat. Jet Lag The Game S10" - My note on Facebook Messenger
What I have been listening to (check today scrobbles):
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 25, 2024:
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
Bella muy bella Burup, bella muy bella Burup!
Tara Burup Tara-burup!
Bella muy bella [[Burup]]:
Bella muy bella Burup, bella muy bella Burup.
Mi true Burup, true Burup.
Bella muy bella [[Burup]]:
!!! warning "This is a bit incomplete" But working on it as soon as possible, hopefully before Thurday.
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 23, 2024, alongside what’s happened in the past two weeks:
Pardon the week-long silence on the daily journaling. Just needed a quick recharge as well for warming up Minecraft skills (currently in peaceful mode for a lot of resource gathering sessions).
Did a cleanup chore with my sister (since we share the bedroom space, which sometimes chaotic when comes to schedules on the study table1) on 06-22.
Here’s what been cooked since last two weeks:
What I have been listening to (check today scrobbles):
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
Currently planning on getting a new laptop for upgrades or get the screen repaired (*fingers crossed on shipping costs of the parts itself*) [^2]: There is second one, but I didn’t count it yet since I pulled the quick restore backup action from world backups as part of my Realms Plus trial. [^3]: The full video is literally 6+ hours, so I do some skips to speed things up.↩
Hello there, editor Andrei speaking on the line. This should be technically published exactly in the Philippine Indepedence Day, but since I am currently between a mini sabatical and EOSY rest for the next school year, I apologize if it took longer than expected. So I decided to publish it now from the backburner and finalize it later.
Hello world, and welcome back to the monthly dump/status update! Pardon the radio silence over the few months, I am just busy at school during those period, but since I am in the end-of-school-year break, we’re actually back for at least two issues of this, alongside the daily journaling on [my personal wiki] Buckle up, since there will be mentions about Gildedguy Story #8 and you don’t want to [get snuck-up on][md-spoilers-ep7], right?
By the way for the Agora community, I’ll be pointing my notes here while keeping the old ones
up as an archive via the new [[@ajhalili2006-archive]]
once the patch for sources YAML file
are merged upstream soon.
And since this is the weekend (as of 2024-06-01) to officially kickoff my mini-sabbatical between school year, this is the first edition of my monthly dump of the year, also known as monthly status updates if you keen checking the archives. So read on to know what I am cooking behind the scenes.
I literally woke up early on May 12 to catch up the Twitch premiere ([original VOD link], [archived in 1080p] via Storj DCS) just few minutes before it start. Based on the first watch, not only it was another banger1 by [Michael Moy][mikedmoy] and the production team based on what the community saying, but there are new lore have been dropped since [[Gildedguy Story 7]]. I’ll be not able to take note them all here in detail, but please take a watch for yourself.
It’s a blast after all, so [grab your "I Was There In Premiere" badge][luma] for free if you’re there (either via Twitch or YouTube). And expect a in-depth post on it and more on [my blog] later this month (or just before the next school year starts). If you need some Gildedguy Stories-themed mixtape on your library, [I made one since March] and currently open for song suggestions.
Since this Material for Mkdocs-powered site [started in last year][initial-commit], I am currently working to merge both the old digital garden and Jiroh’s Kooky Insane Stuff into here, alongside an upcoming one for Traumatized Autistics Department. Due to how the content migration is currently underway, you may see this non-dismissable banner on the top of every page similarly to this one below ([link to commit]):
!!! info "" :construction: Wiki under consturction Please accept our apologies for any broken links while migrating content from different repositories. Learn more
[Here]’s the Google Doc for the project README (currently a public draft), but in a nutshell, this is where
In summary for everyone asking, just self-documentation, janitorial and admin work on Recap Time Squad lately.
Nothing too heavy other than bringing the Staff SSO terms and mini reorganization chores in our [policy site],
content updates on [the Squad Wiki], and even setting up a [brand assets repository] to host our different
brand assets as we export them from Canva, similarily to the cdnjs/brand
GitHub repo
and others.
That’s all for now and thanks for reading. Talk to you soon on the next edition, or [read the archives for this year so far][archive]. For occassional chaos on your feed and for comments, [follow me/tag on socials] or send a e-fanmail.
[archive]: [original VOD link]: [archived in 1080p]: [luma]: [blog]: [policy site]: [follow me/tag on socials]: [I made one since March]: [the Squad Wiki]: [brand assets repository]: [mikedmoy]:
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today alongside anything else you missed this week, June 9, 2024:
For this week’s edition of the Weekly Wrap (stats galore)
What I have been listening to (check today’s scrobbles):
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care, and keep it decent in the comments.
Downloading dashboard stats involves upgrading to premium, so apologies if I couldn’t dump the screenshot of my dashboard for now here. [^2]: For the uninitated (hello there if you have watched [[Gildedguy Story 6]] earlier), he makes "ear movies" or music with lore in a nutshell. [^3]: Track my progress at and follow me if you do.↩
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 7, 2024:
Actually enabled comments for daily notes (currently on per-entry basis until meta
officially graduates from Insiders-only status), using a self-hosted instance of giscus. You can try it out now below and it’ll be appear in the andreijiroh-dev
organization discussions in GitHub.
Officially installed Node.js into my custom mkdocs Docker image through copying files from the official Docker image (and some symlink trickery)
Yesterday, I added docs for golinks, will work on Content Migration status reports later in the weekend.
What I have been listening to (check today’s scrobbles):
I may feel like a madlad lately, but I listened to the whole album in order (from a community playlist) for the full experience. As my older sister told me, I may become the first (and only) Swiftie in the family once I go deeper into the discography in the future.
Still playing some of Starcadian’s music on loop, of course.
Fresh from The Vergecast: Apple’s AI moment is coming at (If they do AI-generated emojis as JPEG images through RCS at WWDC (some even shortened it as "dub dub"), that would be chaotically funny at same time bloody for Android users.)40m55s
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care, and keep it decent in the comments.
[[Human physiology]]
Listened: [[Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?]]
Listened: [[The ‘blue wall’ road trip: Tories jumping ship?]]
Listened: [[New Frank Hester allegations]]
EDIT 2024-06-07: My god I forgot writing what been cooked yesterday, but don’t fret. I’ll include it in [[2024-06-07]] instead.
Comments are disabled for this entry to avoid chaos.
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 5, 2024:
Nothing particular happened lately for now, just regular household chores and chilling out during the break
What I have been listening to (check today scrobbles):
Maybe seen about the Minecraft 15-Year Anniversary docuseries from their official channel then?
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 04, 2024:
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
Why the fuck is [[The Guardian]] advertising some private healthcare subscription to me on their podcasts.
Listened: [[Election Extra: Nigel Farage is back]]
Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 3, 2024:
Literally lurking around Gildedguy fanart + community on Tumblr for fun and profit
Also I’ll be doing my usual Spanish lessons on Duolingo, maybe some German and Italian next soon.
Did a long late afternoon nap to recharge a bit
What I have been listening to (check today scrobbles):
That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
Listened: [[Trump is guilty on all counts. So what happens next?]]
Listened: [[Has there been a purge of the leftwing of the Labour party?]]
It’s been more than 7 months since the last one and it’s nice I could do it all again here in the new wiki, and it’s good to be back again with the daily journaling hellscapes.
By the way, here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 2, 2024:
as of time of writing.That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
You may not realize this, but Starcadian’s music has lore in it, its storyline is similar Alan Walker’s and PYLOT’s, although this may hit hard for Lord Hurdon listeners. Also got hooked into Alien Victory first after [[Gildedguy Story 6]] [^2]: Listened first with MORE MORE MORE from one of the previews on X (Twitter) for Gildedguy: Automatica fan animation [^3]: Gonne too deep and the wiki page made me say "oh my god" in Scar’s voice↩
Learned about [[Bunny Fonts]] from James.
[[Listened]]: [[Digitalisation and the Security State]]
I found a weeks old todo to follow [[Peter Murray]] ([[peter_murray]] in [[]]) and I see why: he uses double square brackets in posts in platforms that don’t support them yet too!
It was an emotional weekend; Saturday being upbeat, Sunday being more meditative and at times low energy but ending well.
Today I worked and had a fully meetings free afternoon as the US was out due to [[memorial day]].
My mum was/is sick (pneumonia again) and that makes me think of death and impermanence. But it’s a good occasion to meditate.
I thought of someday maybe picking back up some of the draft short stories I started around [[2017]], like [[Caramel City]], [[Cannazon]] and the one about the [[Wu-Tang Clan]].
I received a letter about Christianity out of the blue the other day and today I came across it and saw it had a reference to, which ended up being [[Jehovah’s Witnesses]]. I have a negative affect towards the organization because of things I have heard about how the doctrine affects the freedom of its members, but the message that I received seemed innocuous enough. Interesting that they didn’t include the name of the organization anywhere, just the domain.
I’ve been meaning to work and play on:
I finished off Week 3 of the [[Digital Capitalism online course]].
Started listening to the masterclass for week 4, on the digital trade agenda.
Learning about ecology on Kinnu, I realise that it’s a great source of ideas for thinking in systems.
[[Listened]]: [[Digital colonialism: Geopolitics of data and development]]
[[Cooperation Jackson]] and the [[Jackson-Kush Plan]] are explicitly [[ecosocialist]] in outlook.
They also work on the principle of instituting [[non-reformist reform]]s.
Read: [[Critique of techno-feudal reason]]
using [[coop cloud]] but it’s not up yet.I’ve been living [[Protopianism]] in my personal life; dealing with bed bugs, every iteration across the six months of process for eradication a show of the many small complexities of life, all the while feeling lucky and aware.
After 4x fumigation adding [[diatomaceous earth]] stripes all around (quite ingenious packaging+spilling resistant) the new bed seemed to seemed to give us that additional (feeling of) safety :)
After a long hiatus, low-key writing [[Reclaim the Stacks: reflections, May 2024]].
Reading [[Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis. Introduction to the Special Issue]]
Not necessarily in that order :)
I like [[silver bullet]] but I come back to [[wiki vim]] because it’s on the terminal and that’s where I sometimes want to write.
I like [[senegal town]].
Also: [[mexico city]], [[paris]] :)
I finally managed to start (just as it’s finishing!) the [[Digital Capitalism online course]] from the [[Transnational Institute]].
And the [[tripleC]] special issue on digital capitalism just came out.
Apropos of the above, for [[node club]] (AKA [[Homebrew Commons Club]]) I’m going to write about [[digital capitalism]].
I should put more images in my garden.
Finally finished watching [[Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain]].
Read [[Palestine speaks for everyone]]
:ID: 8c141ded-1a33-447e-9999-dfed514a74da :mtime: 20240427191417 20240427113158 :ctime: 20240427113158
[[Digital weeding and watering]]
I am really looking forward to the release of [[Jathan Sadowski]]‘s new book.
Soccer96 - I was gonna fight fascism
[[Listened]] to [[Seto Kaiba is My Role Model]]
Changes in the [[forces of production]] come into conflict with the [[relations of production]].
[[Listened]] to [[The Tao of WAO: S09 Episode 4: Adam Greenfield]]
[[Listened]] to [[How Swiss women won a landmark climate case for Europe]]
It could be time for a new season of [[Node Club]]…
I should back up my Doom config on Termux.
I [[listened]] to [[Degrowth vs Eco-Modernism]].
Listened to [[Opening the Vicious Circle of Risk Rating (ft. Ariel Bogle)]]
[[Listened]] to [[Degrowth vs Eco-Modernism]]
[[Listened]] to [[Is the Middle East on the brink?]]
Listened to [[Israel’s AI Kill List: “Once you go automatic, target generation goes crazy.”]]
Read: [[Emacs: Dead and Loving It]]
Working on some improvements to the look and feel of my writing mode that I use when in org-roam.for Emacs.
(setq helm-case-fold-search t)
and all is good - much smoother completion experience.Listened to [[New Economics Podcast: Should we be going for growth?]]
[[Listened]] to [[Ghosts in the Machines: Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, & Capitalism]]
[[Habitat loss]].
[[Film theory]] looks at films and the effect they have on society.
Learning about [[biodiversity]] via the Kinna app.
Listened to [[Post Capitalism w/ Alnoor Ladha]]
[[Listened]] to [[Should the UK stop arming Israel?]]
[[Nonprofits should (almost) never write their own software]]
My publish.el file would be a good candidate for a literate config approach. Would make it more useful for other people to make use of then I think. Also would make me tidy it up.
Listened again to [[Nathan Schneider on Building Democratic Governance on the Internet]]
When I get a moment I’ll make a page of gardening tasks for myself.
I’m getting more into the groove with [[fish]] on desktop the more that I use it.
I would just like to take a moment to lament the fact that I have received an email inviting me to become a Certified Generative AI Specialist.
Idle thought: maybe the world would be a better place if the de facto ‘learn to code’ tutorial was not a todo list (individual productivity) but a simple group poll (collective decision-making).
Had a quick read about [[Passkeys]].
Listened to [[Platforms for Public Good w/ Mathew Lawrence & Thomas Hanna]]
[[Listened]] to [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Whose Anthropocene?]]
Also [[listened]] to [[Envisioning Platform Socialism w/ James Muldoon]]
Following a stumble through the garden related to [[technology and political economy]], re-reading [[The Telekommunist Manifesto]].
Also plan to re-read [[The British Digital Cooperative: A New Model Public Sector Institution]].
Late night [[listened]] to [[What’s the Value of Data? (ft. Salomé Viljoen)]]
Also listened to [[The Supermarket into Prison Pipeline]]
Pretty much always find [[This Machine Kills]] interesting, whatever the topic.
Thinking about how I would go about [[adding planted and last tended dates to pages in my digital garden]].
Although in general it feels the same (possibly slower? because I didn’t compile it myself?), one thing that is much faster in Emacs 28 is the parsing of my huge file for work. Thumbs up.
I’d like to tweak my garden a bit such that I have ‘planted’ and ‘last tended’ dates on each page.
[[org-timeblock]] looks pretty good and like it’d fill my desire for a timeblocking tool for org-mode.
We [[watched]] [[Soul]] again.
I [[listened]] to [[What Social Media Meant for the Mass Protest Decade w/ Vincent Bevins]]
Also listened to [[Why Tech Makes Us More Insecure w/ Astra Taylor]]
We have [[national insurance]] in the UK.
Never really thought much about insurance before.
Returning a little to [[IndieWeb]] for following activity streams. I had been using the Fediverse for a while, but I find it a bit too fast paced, a bit too attention grabbing. For me. IndieWeb is kind of slow social media and that suits me fine.
hyperorg could be useful for me.
Listened: [[Yanis Varoufakis, "Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism"]]
[[Listened]]: [[Democracy for sale, Europe’s first black leader + tea with Obama]]
[[Listened]]: [[Black Box: Episode 6 – Shut it down?]]
[[Listened]]: [[The silencing of climate protesters in English and Welsh courts]]
[[Listened]]: [[Vulture Capitalism - Exposing the toxic system and how to outgrow it with Grace Blakeley]]
Read: [[‘It’s Not Rocket Science – It’s Just Community’: Radical Ffestiniog]]
I donated to the [[Amazon UK warehouse workers’ strike fund]] again.
Listened: [[Black Box: Prologue: The collision]]
Listened: [[Black Box: Episode one – The connectionists]]
Listened: [[Black Box: Episode three – Repocalypse now]]
Listened: [[The Problem With America’s Ban on TikTok]]
Read: [[The digital revolution has failed]]
[[Generative AI is further concentrating power with Big Tech]].
Watched: [[Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain]]
Watched: [[Avengers: Civil War]]
Listened: [[Medium Anxiety]]
Listened: [[How an infamous ransomware gang found itself hacked]]
Listened: [[What do the Tories consider extreme?]]
Watched: [[Ant-Man]].
I can’t seem to find an [[IRC bouncer]] that you can easily install on [[YunoHost]]…
[[What would AI for the people look like?]]
Watched: [[Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain]]
Read: [[Reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a Zettelkasten]]
Contemplating whether I should send webmentions from my digital garden.
Listened: [[How to talk about avoiding waste, with Keep Britain Tidy]]
Listened: [[Black Box: the hunt for ClothOff – the deepfake porn app]]
[[Updating to Emacs 28 on Linux Mint]].
I updated packages on Mint like a good boy, and now I’m getting complaints from composer when building a project.
Kickstarted the [[spacemacs]] / spacemacs packages update dance.
I created a [[quick function to help extract bold sections from text into bullet points]].
[[Listened]]: [[Brian Merchant, "Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech"]]
.[[Listened]]: [[The cybernetic jacket]]
[[Read]]: [[The Jakarta Method Comes to Latin America (Review)]]
Suddenly you become [[[[more [[aware]] of the [[nature of existence]]]].
[[Listened]]: [[The cybernetic jacket]]
[[Watched]]: [[Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain]]
[[Concept map]]s seem like something I’d be interested in. A visual way of organising knowledge focusing on the relationships between concepts.
[[Vulpea]] and [[publicatorg]] look like they might be useful for my [[org-roam]] life.
[[Listened]]: [[Jeremy Hunt’s election budget for big earners and big owners]]
Don’t think I’ll be able to do a [[new connections]] page.
Listened: [[What if we became better Protopians?]]
[[Watched]]: [[Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain]]
[[Listened]]:[[Nvidia: 2 Boom 2 Bust]]
Read: [[Oregon Just Struck a Blow to Parts Pairing and Won a Decade of Repair Support]]
Read: [[What’s the latest on Right to Repair in the EU? And what it means for the UK]]
Been having fun looking at [[repairability scores]] from the [[French repair index]] as displayed on
Claim: [[The free software movement is an example of neo-Luddism]].
Claim: [[The right to repair movement is an example of neo-Luddism]].
Both sound defensible - both movements are clearly not anti-technology, just anti the political economy of how software and hardware are controlled and commodified to the detriment of society.
US PIRG has a short report on what it considers to be the best laptop brands for repairability.
[[Listened]]: [[Nvidia: 2 Boom 2 Bust]]
Nice to see a mention of the [[Austrian Repair Bonus voucher scheme in National Geographic Kids]].
Read: [[A political ecology of the repair manual]]
[[iFixit and Lenovo]].
[[Listened]]: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Breaking Things at Work (with Gavin Mueller)]]
How do you socialise something that has been privatised?
Watched: [[Avengers: Age of Ultron]]
Listened: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Breaking Things at Work (with Gavin Mueller)]]
A ‘trick’ I use when I have some issue with a particular file in my [[org-publish]] pipeline on my remote server.
, set :base-extension "foo"
to include the file that’s got the issue.:include ("")
Nice, I replaced a cl-loop
with a mapconcat
in some of my output formatting, e.g. in [[Well-connected]]. mapconcat feels a bit more functional style, and it also gets rid of the superfluous parentheses I had in the output.
I might try and add [[Pagefind]] to my published garden.
Trying [[fish]] out on desktop.
Watched: [[Guardians of the Galaxy]]
Listened: [[How the World Became Uninsurable]]
I’ve been enjoying [[using Python in org]].
Read: [[Neofeudalism: The End of Capitalism?]]
Listened: [[Capitalist Manufacturing // Manufacturing Communism – Part 1 (ft. Nick Chavez)]]
[[The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)]]
‘Dear Data Subject’ and other great ways to start an email.
Using Python in org, I was getting: [[Importmagic and/or epc not found]].
Listened: [[The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)]]
magit doesnt work properly for me in [[termux]] for some reason. I can stage but I cant commit.
Had a quick play with [[Surfacing notes in my garden that have no claims]] using [[Metabase]].
Listened: [[The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)]]
Customising some key bindings would make one-handed phone tending my garden in Emacs in termux easier.
Read: [[AI deepfakes come of age as billions prepare to vote in a bumper year of elections]]
[[Listened]]: [[TMK BC5: Mute Compulsion, Ch. 2]]
Trying out [[fish]] shell on [[termux]] to make command line life a little easier on the phone.
I’ve played with them on my site here - and
[[Listened]]: [[The Art and Science of Communism, Part 1 (ft. Nick Chavez, Phil Neel)]]
Read: [[Mute Compulsion]]
Listened: [[TMK BC5: Mute Compulsion, Introduction]]
[[Social reproduction]].
Read: [[Forest and Factory]]
Listened: [[The Art and Science of Communism, Part 1 (ft. Nick Chavez, Phil Neel)]]
Read: [[Talking to My Daughter About the Economy]]
Read: [[Theories of International Politics and Zombies]]
[[Shower thought]].
Read: [[Talking to My Daughter About the Economy]]
Read: [[Forest and Factory]]
How repairable is a [[Vision Pro]]?
I’d like to add a ‘[[New connections]]‘ page to my garden.
[[Flancian]] told me about [[Orgzly Revived]].
I worked half a day as I was sick; cold symptoms, nothing terrible though. I attended two meetings and did writing.
Then I read [[Aaron Copland]] on music, thought and wrote about [[Moloch]].
I eead the [[Dalai Lama]] and [[Thubten Chodron]]. I’m in chapter 2 of book 2: [[The Foundation of Buddhist Practice]].
Read: [[Talking to My Daughter About the Economy]]
Read: [[A Half-Built Garden]]
[[Read]]: [[How to stop a data center]].
Read: [[Imagining social movements: from networks to dynamic systems]]
Had to give up on [[Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality]] for now.
Started on [[Talking to My Daughter About the Economy]] instead.
Back to regular programming :)
[[Lojong]] seems linked to a long list of contemplative [[slogans]]
[[Open Letters]]:
I did some processing of [[social coop registrations]], [[go/cwg/bugs]]. I enjoyed it. Interesting as usual. Yielded a pointer to…
[[e acc]]:
I read (re-read? I don’t think I’ve forgotten it, but I did read a lot of SSC at one point) [[Scott Alexander]]‘s review of [[Age of Em]].
If you are reading this from the future, by the way: thank you for being here! How are you today/tonight?
To respond, you can always use the [[stoa]] of the day.
If we haven’t spoken in a long time, please reach out over [[matrix]]!
Please disable copyright enforcement in AI. I want to be able to ask LLMs to pirate things for me, or help me pirate them. [[I take full responsibility]], as some are wont to say ;)
I usually buy books in one format but want several. Many authors make it easy for me to give them money on Amazon, but then I want an epub. Etc.
In the meantime I have to go to manually I guess?
I’ve been thinking of parsing this format in the Agora, meaning longer subnodes separated by — in a newline — and publish it to the [[Fediverse]] as individual posts :)
Read: [[Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality]]
Listened: [[The Missing Revolution w/ Vincent Bevins]]
I believe things are going to be pretty amazing anyway; I sometimes get caught in the day to day and fail to notice it, or remember it, but all things considered I think the likelihood of humanity and our friends making it happily in cosmic terms long term is quite high.
I’ve been writing about the Agora for about 5 years now:
Listened: [[Why It’s Eco-Socialism or Collapse]]
Interesting to see that ‘Challenging the size and power of the biggest tech companies was voted a top priority by [[Foxglove]] supporters in our new year survey.’
I finished [[Taixu]], meaning the translation by [[Charles B. Jones]] and his commentary. I am thankful for it!
I had noding "my favourite things" in a post-it so I decided to do it right here using a push above.
[[Meditate]], said [[Nostromo]].
I meditated. Thank you [[Taixu]] — meaning the Buddhist Monk and also the [[shell]] script that I run in computer [[nostromo]].
I’ve been missing writing; I always feel like I should write more, and more often — I feel the same for action [[read]] of course as well, as do many of us. So I decided to start writing more right here — in my journal in the [[Agora of Flancia]].
Traditionally up to now I’ve been focusing my efforts more on [[noding]], in the particular meaning of exploring connectivity space; more interested in building links (between concepts, things and people) than about producing widely legible output. This under the hypothesis that the connections are important in building an [[Agora]] in particular, or at least [[bootstrapping]] it.
This reminds me [[bootstrapping]] is either chapter [[0]] or [[1]] in the [[Flancia Pattern Language]].
…anyway :)
I slept. It was great.
Today I plan to continue doing laundry and finally open and clean up one of the rooms affected by [[bed bugs]] (the lesser one, no obvious infestation).
Also I plan to work on the [[Agora]]. Or should I say in the [[Agoras]]?
Digo, ahora que empiezo a escribir en el escritorio número 7.
Finalmente exporté [[goodreads]] e importé en [[bookwyrm]]:
Listened: [[Sellafield: Europe’s most toxic nuclear site]]
Listened: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Trust]]
Read: [[Degrowth, green energy, social equity, and circular economy]]
Finally built my little electro synth kit today.
Listened: [[The Radical Imagination in Reactionary Times]]
Snow. Lots of snow.
I fixed a long-standing bug on my site where backlinks often didn’t work.
I also fixed up the backlinks section for each node to only include backlinking nodes once.
I saw [[Gordon Brander]] has a list of well-connected nodes in his pattern library.
I’d like to know why the outputs of my little bits of executable code blocks aren’t getting correctly generated when my garden gets published to the web.
Digging: Proem - [[She Never Cries]]
Digging: Frog Pocket - [[Hurrah Sapphire Moon!]]
Listened: [[A blast in Manhattan]]
Read: [[Doughnut Economics]]
As I deal with [[pain]], I think of my [[friends]] and the [[heart sutra]].
Gone, gone beyond!
All gone to the other shore
Gone kindly
If you have to go
[[Go kindly]]!
Read: [[The great carbon divide]]
Listened: [[Movement and Stillness]]
Yesterday I woke up with back pain in a new place, mid-back; it got a bit worse in the evening after attending the beautiful event of [[AG]] presenting. It didn’t get in the way of enjoyment but I need to keep an eye on it/take care and try to rest and recover.
…Having said that, I cleaned the bathroom and [[Lady Burup]]‘s toilet and my back got a bit worse :) But I feel it still gave me energy.
Then I worked a bit more, after oncall handoff, and I got several things "out of the way" in a relatively short time. It felt great.
Read: [[Doughnut Economics]]
Reflecting back and seeing them published on my website, I realise my work notes each day are a little mundane.
Watched: [[Isle of Dogs]]
Reading: [[Doughnut Economics]]
Listened: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Late Capitalism]]
Today at work I:
[[Perceptions of degrowth in the European Parliament]]
Today at work I:
Today at work I:
When I’m working, I don’t log a lot in the journal, I noticed.
Listened: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Revolutionary Mathematics]]
Patient privacy fears as US spy tech firm Palantir wins £330m NHS contract | …
We had another play of [[Space Cats Fight Fascism]] today.
We spend a not insignificant chunk of our lives just on the upkeep of our household.
Been enjoying [[Superstore]] of late.
We played the [[Rise Up]] board game tonight.
Listened: [[WCV S2: Keir Milburn "Glorious Variation in the Global Working Class"]]
Been enjoying the [[Working Class Voices]] series from GND Media. Good reflections on how the environmental movement involves the working class (and also how alienates it). Main point being - it has to, one way or another, as the working class is the largest class.
Digging Until Here for Years by Proem right now.
Listened: [[WCV2 NY Communities for change "Let’s not replace Oil Barons’ with Solar Barons’"]]
Listened: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: The Stories We Tell]]
Fun, busy [[Repair Cafe]] tonight.
Listened: [[WCV S2: We’ve run with it like a dog with a burst ball]]
Enjoying the [[This Machine Kills]] podcast.
Having another attempt at getting RSS feed publishing working for commonplace. This time without trying to use a tempdir, caused too many problems last time.
Listened: [[Kill the Ecomodernist in Your Head]]
Listened: [[No King But Ludd (ft. Brian Merchant)]]
org-roam on the mobile with Termux is going well. Using it regularly.
Going to start posting my daily journal/log in the stream as well. So it’s a bit more discoverable/subscribeable.
Been reading through [[Doughnut Economics]] again. Appreciating the chapter on [[systems thinking]].
[[Hugo Blanco]] passed away.
Watching [[Captain Fantastic]]. A lot of fun. Points out the problems of American (Western) society. Is what they have in the woods any better though?
It’s quiet in the Agora right now. But I’m sure peeps will be back.
I basically never write code anymore for work purposes. I guess I’m OK with that right now. But I feel one day soon the pendulum will swing back from lead to coder again.
I’m perhaps less interested in code for code’s sake these days, and more interested in the design of systems.
Starting having a go at [[an Iterative Enquiry diagram for digital ecosocialism]]. Definite work in progress.
Listened: [[Anthony Hodgson, "Ready for Anything: Designing Resilience for a Transforming World"]]
Read: [[Thatcherite conservatism is on its last legs. I’ve had a disturbing glimpse of what might replace it]]
Listened: [[Today in Focus: ‘We’re totally isolated’: inside Gaza as Israel’s war intensifies]]
[[MermaidJS]] seems to have come a long way recently. Might start using it in conjunction with [[PlantUML]].
For all the (supposed) micro-rationalities of [[capitalism]], it produces some huge macro-irrationalities ([[overshoot of planetary boundaries]], [[social inequity]]).
Finished listening to [[What Is To Be Done? with Breht O’Shea and Alyson Escalante]].
Listened: [[Red Menace: Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future]]
Why bother with org-roam and Termux on my phone? Why not just stick with orgzly for fleeting notes and then process them at the laptop?
[[Planetary sovereign]].
Got org-roam working with Doom Emacs in Termux. To a certain degree. Few niggly issues but decent start. [[Setting up Doom Emacs in termux on Android]]
Don’t sync org-roam.db between machines.
Getting into org-roam on Termux. Useful extra tool in addition to orgzly for taking fleeting notes on my phone. Actually, Termux is more the processing of fleeting notes into actual notes.
Enjoying the Upstream interview with Breht and Alyson from Rev Left / Red Menace. They seem a bit more tempered here on another show - left to their own devices can sometimes come across tankie. Lots of good discussion of the need for an [[ecology of organisation]] here. [[What Is To Be Done? with Breht O’Shea and Alyson Escalante]].
Watching Coraline. It’s fun. I feel a bit seen by the Dad character…
This bit of text committed from my phone… will it work?
Read: [[Universal basic services: the power of decommodifying survival]]
[[Problem with Kobo Clara HD battery]]. It is draining really fast.
Started reading Kate Soper’s [[Post-Growth Living]]. It’ll be about how a move away from consumerism will actually bring about a more enjoyable life.
Read: [[Problems with ecosocialism]]
The [[planetary boundaries]] framework defines nine boundaries for the planet, and as of 2023 six of them have been overshot.
Listening: [[What Is To Be Done? with Breht O’Shea and Alyson Escalante]]
[[Socialism]] is a political philosophy that advocates for [[social equity]], the redistribution of wealth, and the ownership of the means of production.
[[Ecosocialism]] is a political philosophy that brings together socialist politics and environmental politics. [[Social and environmental issues are interconnected and inseparable]].
I am an ecosocialist. [[To be a 21st century socialist is to be an ecosocialist]].
Alternatives to Big Tech that aren’t part of a political strategy are just more tech exceptionalism.
Tags: #dailynotes #daily-notes
<<<<<<< HEAD
As I write this, I’m roughly above [[Baku]] about to cross the [[Caspian Sea]]. I don’t have an internet connection so I’m jotting down these local notes which will be synced to the Agora later.
I guess much has already been said about the relatively rareness of being offline nowadays; I am old enough to remember a time before being online at all was possible; then a time in which being online was rare; then the transition to always-on home internet and then mobile internet. I welcomed each increment of extra connectivity, and I still love how far we’ve gotten in this respect; but I can also appreciate the focus that being fully offline for a bit seems to bring. If nothing else it announces that the same focus is always available — behind the impulse to catch up with messages, or check feeds, or read about Baku and the Caspian Sea on Wikipedia (which is surely what I would be doing right now instead of writing these words were I not truly offline.)
I’m thinking a bit of Agora development during these holidays; it might or might not happen, based on all the sightseeing and experiencing we’ll be doing out there in the analog world :) But I thought it would still be nice to think of which things I could improve in the Agora if I have some time available.
I might write some [[executable subnode]] or other, if nothing else because they are fun and self-contained.
I think I will try to do one or two quick iterations on the [[Agora Server]] UI, maybe finishing the move to [[zippies]] as base widget as I’ve already done for nodes, stoas and most sections really. If I am able to move all sections under the search button/field to zippies the UI will probably look a lot more streamlined/be easier to understand, less confusing (this I’m guessing based on earlier feedback). Also it’s not hard to do and it is apparent, so it sounds fun.
Moving on to larger things, [[mycoverse]]/[[fediverse]] integration is something I would love to get done in this Q4 2023 so getting started on it would make a lot of sense. I would love to understand what is the minimum that Agora Server would need to do to be able to expose user accounts as Fediverse feeds. Then new/updated nodes could generate something close to new posts/notes? Unsure.
Listened: [[Jason Hickel]]
Occurs to me that technology-focused ideas around alternatives to Big Tech, that are not explicitly tied to a broader political programme, are themselves a form of [[tech exceptionalism]]. Hence I think [[digital ecosocialism]] is important.
Listened: [[Culture, Power and Politics: Ecosocialism and Degrowth]]
Think the theme of the discursive part of my roundup this month can be around [[ecosocialism and degrowth]], extending that a little bit to an exploration of [[digital degrowth]].
Yesterday was [[Repair Day]] and it went great. Biggest number of events we’ve ever listed - pulled in events from quite a few different networks, in particular the [[Journées Nationales de la Réparation]] in France brought in a huge amount.
We launched the [[UK Repair and Reuse Declaration]]. Asking UK policymakers to introduce repair-friendly legislation.
Listened: [[Voices of Fixfest UK 2023]]
Read: [[Most Brits bin electrical items if they break. These ‘magic’ Repair Cafés are trying to change that]]